생활속의 위성항법, 보다 안전하게 제공하겠습니다!
The history of NMPNT that provides
reliable positioning infrastructures
- 2000s
- Conducted a test for an advanced terrestrial navigation system (eLoran)JUN 01
- OCT 06Conducted a test for an advanced terrestrial navigation system (eLoran)
- Reorganized NMPNT and Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MOF)MAY 26
- Reorganized MOF, Gunsan Regional Office of Oceans and Fisheries, and GNSS OfficeJAN 06
- MAR 23Reopened MOF
Changed the affiliation of MOF, Gunsan Regional Maritime Affairs and Port Office, and GNSS Central Office
- MAR 23Reopened MOF
- Established and operated integrity monitoring stations (2 stations) in Sokcho, Hongcheon, DonneomiNOV 11
- JUL 22Established and operated the Chuncheon GNSS Office
- Installed and operated the Anheung Integrity Monitoring Station (relocated the Ongdo Integrity Monitoring Station)NOV 06
- Amended the regulations on the establishment and operation of a national network of the DGNSS (MOLIT No. 127)AUG 07
- Established and operated the Seongju GNSS OfficeMAR 16
- Established the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs (MLTM)
Integrated the MOF and the Ministry of Construction and Transportation
Changed the affiliation of MLTM, Gunsan Regional Maritime Affairs and Port Office, and GNSS Central OfficeFEB 29
- DEC 27Installed and operated the Dokdo Integrity Monitoring Station
- NOV 06Installed and operated the Chungju GNSS Office
- MAR 06Installed and operated the Pyeongchang GNSS Office
- JAN 24Transferred the right of control (Pohang Maritime Radio Beacon Control Center → GNSS Central Office)
- JAN 02Acquired the Pochang and Gwangju Maritime Radio Beacon Control Centers
- Established and operated the Yeongju GNSS OfficeAPR 08
- AUG 05Established and operated the Muju GNSS Office
- Installed and operated the Ongdo, Dangsado, and Jukbyeon Integrity Monitoring StationsOCT 01
- Provided the DGNSS service to SeoimalSEP 29
- NOV 08Provided the DGNSS service to the Socheongdo, Soheuksando, and Jeojin Reference Stations
- Installed and operated the DGPS at Maldo, Hongdo, Gasado, Sorido, and Seoimal Integrity Monitoring StationsSEP 29
- Provided the DGNSS service to Ulleungdo IslandMAY 22
- Changed the affiliation of the GNSS Central Office and Gunsan Regional Office of Oceans and FisheriesJAN 01
- DEC 14Provided the DGNSS service to Homigot Village
- DEC 07Enacted the prime minister’s order on the establishment of NDGPS
- JUN 17Provided the DGNSS service to eastern and southern seas (Yeongdo, Marado Island, Jumunjin)
- JUN 01Provided the DGNSS service to eastern and southern seas (Geomundo Island)
- 1900s
- AUG 23Provided the DGNSS service to western seas (Palmido Island, Eocheongdo Island)
- MAY 24Created new GNSS Central Office and Daesan Regional Office of Oceans and Fisheries
- Conducted survey and research for DGPS installation
APR 30
~ DEC 27 - Established a foundational plan06
- Conducted survey and research for DGPS installation